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April 2018 Update

Updated: Aug 31, 2018


Esther 4:14, “And who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

A recent article in Time magazine’s February 18 issue brought an interesting fact to our attention. It stated (emphasis mine),

[Human] Smugglers say that if you want to go to the U.S.[illegally], start by booking a ticket to Quito. Ten years ago, the South American nation threw open its doors to the world, requiring no visitor to arrive with as [sic] a visa. And though the policy has tightened some since, the reputation endures. The border of Colombia lies just 150 miles away, and from there it’s a couple days up the Central America trail to the edge of North America.

The journey is life-changing, fraught—and routine. Five years ago, only a few hundred migrants routed themselves to the U.S. through South America, but the number soared in 2015 to nearly 30,000, according to Colombia’s government… (Vick, K., & Poole, L. (2018, February 16). TIME magazinge, Smugglers Inc.)

Politics aside, would you pray that through reaching Ecuador, we would reach the world? Through laboring in this harvest field, our prayer is that lives would be changed, not just in an emotional or physical manner, but spiritually!


We have stayed busy through our weekend ministry and our regular jobs. Believe it or not, I never thought deputation would be this tiring! However, it is so rewarding and enjoyable. We love being right where God wants us and meeting His people. This quarter, we ministered in 14 churches and have two new supporting churches!

Our short-term goal is 30% by September.

Prayer Requests

  • Ashley and Baby

  • Physical strength

  • Wisdom regarding time to launch full-time (requirements: 30% support and a full schedule)

We appreciate your faithful prayers and financial support!

Itinerary (April-June)

April 4: Heidelberg Bible Church (Wernersville, PA)

April 8: South Clinton Baptist Church (Waymart, PA)

April 11: Falls Baptist Church (Menomonee Falls, WI)

April 15: Woodridge Baptist Church (Woodridge, IL)

April 15-20: Baptist World Mission Orientation Seminar

April 22: Calvary Baptist Church (Clymer, PA)

April 29: First Baptist Church of Ogden (Upper Chichester, PA)

May 6: Grace and Truth Bible Church (Hummelstown, PA)

May 20: Open Door Baptist Church (Lebanon, PA)

May 27: Chichester Baptist Church (Aston, PA)

June 3-8: Baptist World Mission Family Relationship Seminar

June 13: Calvary Independent Baptist Church (Morton, PA)

June 17: Paradise Valley Baptist Church (Cresco, PA)

June 24: Grace Baptist Church (Waynesboro, PA)

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