We made a few changes to our new building: divided the space to form a nursery, separate auditorium, and a small office. We purchased chairs and built the pulpit and stage. We’ve been holding services and Bible studies in the building for three weeks now. Having a building has added formality and legitimacy to our church plant. We’ve had visitors each week and reached 10 total in attendance this past Sunday. Our weekly Bible study time on Thursday evenings is averaging 6 people in attendance. We are thankful for the steady growth the Lord has given us.
One challenge we face over the next couple of months is legalizing and registering the church with the local and national governments. We are not able to put up a church sign until we file the paperwork. This is an arduous process that requires a specific number of members and documents. Please pray for us as we organize this church both biblically and legally. We need wisdom and patience to not rush the discipleship and spiritual growth in our attenders to fulfill the obligations of the State.
Our people chose the name of their church. It is: Iglesia Bíblica Bautista Lumbrera. The word lumbrera comes from Psalm 119:105 “Thy word is a… light unto my path.” Translated, it means: Biblical Light Baptist Church.
We are actively holding services but are setting a formal opening date for a Sunday in early July, Lord willing.
Brooklyn turned 2 years old this past Sunday. Thank you for the many cards and birthday greetings! We are grateful for the joy she brings to our family and the opportunity we have to raise her for the Lord