Language School:
We have begun taking classes at a local Spanish school. Ashley attends in the morning and I attend in the afternoon. Our teacher, Alberto, speaks no English and teaches our classes entirely in Spanish. Alberto lives near the church and is open to visiting. Both of us have had many good conversations on spiritual things with him.
Life and Ministry:
Much of our day is spent in Spanish class or watching the kids while the other is away. In the late afternoons and evenings, we spend time in our community or at the neighborhood park. This has given us many opportunities to begin friendships with our neighbors.
We had two neighbor families over for dinner and to celebrate Christmas in a small way. Both families are unsaved, and we are looking for further opportunities to share the Gospel with them. Ashley made Christmas cookies and put together a little gift box along with a gospel tract. We delivered these to several more individuals and neighbors.
Answered prayer:
In our last prayer letter, we asked for prayer as we transitioned to life in Ecuador. We are learning more each day and getting accustomed to the people and way of life around us. We still get nervous while driving and have tried many new foods, but God has protected, and we have stayed healthy. Communicating has been a humbling experience, but we are grateful for the Lord’s help as we learn.
Prayer Requests:
Removal of coronavirus restrictions on churches and unhindered ministry opportunities. Ecuador recently put further restrictions in place and declared another state of emergency.
Yordan, Ariel, Alberto, and Andrés. These are four men that have expressed interest in Bible studies or church attendance. Yordan has completed two Bible study lessons so far.